Wednesday, September 16, 2015

400 Blows- Visual Style

This movie did a great job depicting the setting of France through multiple extra long shots. These shots showed the town and were especially evident when capturing the outdoors. There were a few close up shots, which were used when two characters were in deep conversation. One scene in specific that included a close up shot was when the main character was having a conversation with his mom about secrets. The director wanted the audience to stay focused on what the characters were saying in this scene, and not be distracted by the background. 400 blows captured mainly long shots from what i noticed. There were multiple scenes in the classroom and the main character's home.


This screenshot shows a long shot of the main character working on his essay. This is an interesting shot because it shows one of the many long shots this movie had inside of the boy's home. In this shot, you can see the character's body language as he writes his essay which gives you a sense of his feelings about the essay without him having to necessarily say them. 


  1. Cool blog. This is a great post. You provide a good sense of Truffaut's overall visual style, and then focus on a particular scene. You make good connections between your observations of camera shot and what is going on in the scene.

  2. I really like that you chose to focus on this shot. You are definitely right when you say that this is one of few long shots in the boy's home. As I was watching it seemed to me that any shots inside the boy's home were close up, causing feelings of anxiousness and discomfort. This is one shot where it looks like (for once) Antoine is actually comfortable and relaxed in his own home. This is in comparison to the many shots where we see Antoine tightly wrapped up in his sleeping bag, or quickly rustling papers and books on the table in an effort not to get caught (writing an excuse note or punishment sentences) by his parents.

    -Haley Williams
